This dynamic form of presentation allows the viewer, in a short period of time, to be easily immersed in a variety of information in a catchy and interesting way.
How to start a business in Corporate Video?
Whether you’re a small company or a multinational corporation, the objective of the corporate video is the same. A key point to start with is to determine the purpose of the video, the intended audience and the type of media in which it will be used.
The purpose of corporate videos
To present the company and to summarize the history of the company
To distinguish the presentation of new products from the older ones
To present participation in trade fairs
To show to the fair visitors, through video, everything that was not included on the display stand
To show the viewer how the product is used, serviced and stored
To show that corporate video has a training, marketing or promotional character
It is crucial to precisely target the right audience
Your target audience is:
Spectators watching television in their own living room
Customers in stores deciding between the brands or products
Visitors to hotels, restaurants, cafes or bars
Random passers-by passing in front of your shop
The preferred presentation media
Television broadcasting
Web-sites, social networking
Indoor & outdoor advertising screens
Multimedia DVD presentations